Embrace with caution

SS20 preview: Liam Hodges is dragging us into the future, full-throttle
HERO Magazine
Fashion | 3 June 2019
This article is part of Fashion Week – London, Milan, Paris, NYC

Top image: Liam Hodges SS20 moodboard

In the past few seasons, Liam Hodges has delved into children’s television, dystopian Vegas and what he terms the hyper-real, all while sticking to the normcore aesthetic he has made his signature.

Hodges’ forthcoming show at London Fashion Week Men’s promises an equally full-throttle journey into tomorrow, anticipating a new world driven by youthful optimism and soundtracked by the late, great Keith Flint – the jilted generation rises.

Below, we preview Hodges’ upcoming SS20 collection with the man himself.

You took us to the future for FW19, where are we heading this time?
Liam Hodges: We’re still going full force! The future keeps coming. We’re being pulled through it and we’re adapting as best we can, entangling ourselves in all the outcomes, blurring who we are and who we were with who we present to the world. We embrace it with caution…

There was an underlying message of fighting the urge to look back and embracing the unknown, what’s the message this season?
LH: Same same, but different! Ideas of embrace and acceptance are the core emotions of the brand. We react to the world with emotions, subverting the troubles of this reality through metafictional humour to communicate and empower positive action.

Has anything happened since FW19 to inform this?
LH: The continual evolution in information technology has changed how we see and digest the world. Our reality is defined by this but we can’t process everything, we have to take what we’re given and stay on our feet, spinning plates. Accepting this and allowing yourself to fail is key.

What are you excited about right now?
LH: Millennials and younger generations giving a fuck. The power that will be in our hands sooner than we realise.

Liam Hodges’ SS20 show will take place 8th June at 19:00.
Stay tuned for our full LFWM coverage.

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