Bone rattlin’

Get undead with the HERO Halloween playlist
HERO Magazine
Music | 30 October 2021
This article is part of Playlists – Tunes to live by

Top image: Beetlejuice (1988) dir. Tim Burton 

Sharpen your fangs and polish your broomsticks, let your spine tingle and bones rattle. Halloween is just around the corner. That one day a year when pasty skin suddenly becomes ‘pale and mysterious’ and you lose the deposit on your flat because you’ve stained the walls with fake blood.

But what to listen to? We’ve got your ears covered. Unleash your inner devil with our howlin’ Halloween HERO playlist – a soundtrack we’ll be getting undead to this Halloweek-end. 

Now the candles are lit and lights dimmed, join hands and channel in. Here, a thud at the door is Kim Gordon’s pounding bass and Mick Jagger’s yelp is a moonlight howl. Fill your boots (or your underwear) and dance the Mamushka, ditch the Pumpkin Spice Lattes and pour yourself a Morgue-A-Rita. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll puke, you’ll die!

Let’s get morbid, let’s get weird. Hit play and go for the jugular. 

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