Hit play and repeat

A pulsating playlist from Surfbort’s wildchild singer Dani Miller
HERO Magazine
By Rachel Grace Almeida | Music | 4 June 2018
This article is part of Playlists – Tunes to live by

In 2018, being political is no longer a personal choice – it’s a personal necessity. Gone are the days – if there even were any – where apathy is allowed a space to exist, let alone actively thrive. With social and economic disparity on the rise, young people are kicking back the only way they know how: art and protest. This is no different for Brooklyn four-piece Surfbort, who are paving the way with their urgent, and, at times, deliberately hard-to-swallow brand of punk. They’re all about pushing political engagement, inclusivity and intersectionality through the voice of lead singer Dani Miller, whose direct, fed-up hollers offer up a space for people to release their own tension. In a way, listening to Surfbort’s music feels like going through some sort of spiritual cleansing – it’s almost like you’re fighting off anger with anger, dejection with dejection, and it leaves you feeling completely invigorated and ignited. The spirit of punk lives on. The band only have one four-song EP under their belt – with a debut album in the works this year – but their raucous live show has kept people hooked.

Dani’s songs may average at a blistering 1:30 minutes, but her playlists are (thankfully) a longer affair, here she cuts together a major run-through of her current jams featuring an impressive 26 songs: some might call it indecisive, we call it uncompromising.

Desire by Dilly Dally
“Dilly Dally’s pukey screams melt my heart.”

Yang Yang by Anika
“Dance it off baby, Anika always makes me feel better about existing.”

Ghost by Hankwood and the Hammer Heads
“Classic good shit check it out.”

Crystal Night by Black Lips
“Everything from Black Lips is good and I love Zumi’s dreamy vocals on this one.”

Christian Call by Dumb Fucks
“The youngest dumbest hardest punx around.”

Big Wilma by Warmduscer
“Ahhhhhhhh holy cow balls just warms my heart.”

Où va le monde by La Femme
“Listening to La femme is like snorting sparkly moon dust.”

Bone Collector by Ho99o9
“I just saw Ho99o9 live the other night it blew my mind!”

She Got Harder by Goggs
“Goggs is just a great band to do anything too.”

Here comes the spade by Pow!
“2 good to be true, freak music.”

Man in the Sand by ORB
Chilled with them hard at SXSW, really made my head bang.”

Teenage Toy by Insecure Men
“A shit dream come true.”

My Shadow by Promiseland
“Some of the best music around, but be careful if you go to a live show you might wake up forever.”

Just Don’t by The Entire Universe
“Roll your windows down and soak up the sun.”

I love LA by Starcrawler
“I hate LA. Hahah, just kidding. But really, it’s damn hard to leave LA, help! Starcrawler live is so sick.”

Current Affair feat. Sienna by Sextile
“Sooo good! Some more freak dance music, also Sienna’s feature on the track is hot.”

Hole in the Ground by Ice Balloons
“Alien music for aliens”

Blazed by Boytoy
“Get blazed, they shred.”

Blow Dumb by Nobunny
“This song makes me horny.”

Disco by Death Valley Girls
“Real screaming to the moon tunes, saw them live the other night and the vocals made me cry.”

High School Drop Out by Diet Choke
“One of my favourite bands, every show is a rare treat.”

Showin’ Off by Fascinator
“Get hypnotised, dance it off baby”

Aliennation by The Voidz
Join the Cult.”

Leather Daddy by Sailor Poon
“Eat me out, buy me shoes, make me cum and then please leave.”

The Moons Detriment by Shannon Lay
“Angel music that can make the stars cry.”

Les be in Love by Surfbort
“Muahhaha enjoy!!!”

Surfbort / photography by Fabien Kruszelnicki / fashion by Zach Mauer

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