Less is more

John Lawrence Sullivan FW24 took inspo from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Donald Judd
By Barry Pierce | Fashion | 30 January 2024

Taking his inspiration from the designs of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and the sculptures of Donald Judd, John Lawrence Sullivan’s Arashi Yanagawa took a distinctly constructivist approach to clothing for FW24. Mies van der Rohe’s famed phrase “less is more” was palpable throughout (and literally too, it appeared printed on tops and t-shirts) while the clothes themselves felt like an offshoot of the austere but efficient clothing designs of Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova.

The grey suiting was sharp and featured small metal plates seemingly stapled on, a reference to Donald Judd’s famous Stack sculptures (which also gave their name to this collection). The triple-waisted trousers, double-collars and double-belting was another nod to the idea of stacking and felt very in-keeping with the capital-S Surrealist undertone of the collection. Who needs a bomber with one zip when you could have three zips? Or how about a jacket with only one lapel? It was a collection full of surprises.

GALLERYCatwalk images from John Lawrence Sullivan MENS-FALL-WINTER-24