FW23 preview

“Expect something even more patriotic than before” – Robyn Lynch is embracing her Irish heritage
HERO Magazine
By Ella Joyce | Fashion | 13 February 2023

Last season, Dublin-born designer Robyn Lynch took us on an all-inclusive holiday as she debuted a collection drenched in sunny hues and slathered in factor 50 (complete with Nivea sun cream diffusers). Taking inspiration from her parents’ wardrobes in the 80s, this season Lynch is delving deeper into her heritage. The colour palette has done a 180-degree turn and it’s all about one thing and one thing only – green. A colour synonymous with the Emerald Isle, Lynch is drawing inspiration from all the elements which have helped her build the brand from day one. “Expect something even more patriotic than before, which I wasn’t sure was possible,” Lynch tells us as part of an exclusive FW23 preview below – we’re sold.

Ella Joyce: It’s your second year showing under the BFC’s NEWGEN class, what do you think makes this season different from the previous?
Robyn Lynch: The more I do the shows, the more I develop the ideas of what’s possible within the constraints, within budget and space. I always reflect on what was missing from previous shows, trying to always improve as each show goes on. Thinking of any additional element (budget-friendly of course) that can really capture the theme. For example, my favourite thing about SS23 was sourcing Nivea sun cream scent which we filled into diffusers to capture the scent of sun cream around the space. Having fun with small details is something I’m enjoying at the moment, for this show in particular we have really focused on the music element and trying something different.

EJ: What can we expect from this upcoming collection – can you tease a few influences?
RL: So, this collection is an expansion of my Woolmark Final collection. The theme stowed upon us for the IWP [International Woolmark Prize] was ‘dialogue’. I thought long about what dialogue means to me and what I am trying to ‘say’ with my brand and collections. This collection is influenced by many elements which have built the brand from day one. Looking back to my Masters collection and FW19 debut for silhouettes inspiration as well as core brand values. Expect something even more patriotic than before, which I wasn’t sure was possible.

“This season, my man has a further interest in the sustainability properties of natural fibres and what they have to offer in comparison to traditional outerwear fabrics.”

EJ: How has your man evolved from last season?
RL: I think the man evolves every season alongside me, reflecting and taking onboard all feedback regarding the product and fabrics. At the end of the day, my aim every season is to develop as a productmaker first and foremost. Listening to my customers and trying to further educate myself on fabrications and finishings. This season, my man has a further interest in the sustainability properties of natural fibres and what they have to offer in comparison to traditional outerwear fabrics, in particular, learning about the sustainable and performance elements that Merino wool brings to the table.

EJ: If you had to sum up the collection in a song what would it be?
RL: I don’t have a song that comes to mind but I have a limerick:
There once was a colour so keen,
It was known as the shade of the green,
With a hue quite rich,
It was the colour of a stitch,
In the cloth of a forest serene.

Robyn Lynch FW23 takes place on 18th February at 17:00 – stay tuned for our full report. 

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