Dun dun duuuun!

“We will stop Gosha Rubchinskiy brand as you’ve known it”
HERO Magazine
By Alex James Taylor | Fashion | 5 April 2018

Still from ‘APART’ by Gosha Rubchinskiy and INRUSSIA. Courtesy Papaya Dog and M.Tomash

Top image: Still from ‘APART’ by Gosha Rubchinskiy and INRUSSIA. Courtesy Papaya Dog and M.Tomash

All Gosha Rubchinskiy news is big news, but here’s an extra large bulletin straight from the designer’s Instagram page: “We will stop Gosha Rubchinskiy brand as you’ve known it. We will have no more seasonal collections. Instead, something new is coming.”

Ambiguous? Yes. Surprising? Not really. After all, Gosha has continuously looked outside the traditional scheduling and parameters of the fashion industry. This has previously meant him showing at Florence trade fair Pitti Uomo for SS17, and his recent three-stop homecoming tour of Russia.

Never one to stand still, between working on his epnoymous line, Gosha has been expanding his photography portfolio and launched a new label with friend and pro-skater Tolia Titaev, titled Paccbet. Keep your ears peeled for further Gosha information.

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