Radiate like this

Warpaint take over the HERO website with an exclusive insight into their world
HERO Magazine
Music | 9 May 2022

Warpaint are back. Returning with Radiate Like This, their first full-length record in six years, the LA quartet reconnect after a period of time carving their own paths: some have had babies, others released solo albums, relocated, explored new avenues.

And that’s ignoring the elephant in the room: the pandemic. Due to all these factors, Radiate Like This is a Warpaint album like none previous. Physically separated, each member recorded her parts separately – often in makeshift home studios – and slowly, layer upon layer, tweak upon tweak, tracks manifested through a uniquely gradual process. The final result is a progressive step for Warpaint. Warm and beguiling, their synonymous hazy rhythms are tightened and their grooves guided with transcendent maturity. Throughout, a subtle yet impassioned message of reaffirmation and optimism sits on every beat; encouraging us to loosen up and let go.

To celebrate the album release, we’ve invited Warpaint to take over the HERO website for a week. Across the coming days, the band will be sharing exclusive content curated by each member, sharing insights into their process, influences and obsessions. Stay tuned.

Radiate Like Ths is out now.
Warpaint play London’s Roundhouse on 18th May, find full tour dates here.


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