
Nicolas Cage is just trying to get back to his pig in this new film with Alex Wolff
HERO Magazine
Film+TV | 18 June 2021
Text Finn Blythe

In one of the more surprising releases of this summer, former HERO star Alex Wolff will play alongside Nicolas Cage in a drama about truffles and the hunt for a stolen prize pig. Written, directed and produced by Michael Sarnoski for his debut feature, Pig promises a redemptive character arc with plenty to get your snout into.

In the depths of Oregon’s lush and remote wilderness, Cage plays Rob an old man eeking out a modest living as a truffle hunter, together with his trusty pig. Bearded and bedraggled, his insular existence is broken when his trottered companion gets pigknapped, sending Rob on a path of revenge and redemption. Forced to follow his nose, Rob must sniff around Oregon’s dingiest backwaters, coming into contact with the parts of his old life he initially chose to run from.  Partnering with Amir (played by Wolff) along the way, he won’t rest until he brings the bacon home.

This is the latest example of the secretive and esoteric world of truffle hunting being brought to the big screen. Just last year The Truffle Hunters premiered at Sundance Festival, a brilliant documentary co-produced by Luca Guadagnino that follows a group of silver-haired truffle hunters in scouring the woods of northern Italy for the most prized truffle of them all, the Alba truffle. These ultra-rare edible diamonds rake in around £500 a gram and are so highly sought after that they attract plenty of nefarious dealings. If you want to get yourself in the mood for Pig, you know where to start digging.

Pig is in cinemas from July 16. 

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