ghoulish guests

Google is helping you summon ghouls inside your home this Halloween
HERO Magazine
By Alex James Taylor | 30 October 2020

Halloween is going to be a little different this year, with many of us staying at home to celebrate. But fear not (or actually…) as Google has a nifty new AR feature that allows you to invite ghouls and ghosts inside to join your haunted festivities.

There’s a dancing skeleton, a set of creepy jack-o’-lanterns, floating spirits and costumed pets, including a weiner dog dressed as a hot dog – OK, not so scary. To convene these AR ghouls, all you need to do is search specific Halloween terms on your phone and scroll down until you see a box that prompts you to summon your creepy 3D friend. Try these: ‘ghost’, ‘Halloween’, ‘jack o lantern’, ‘human skeleton’ and ‘hot dog’. Admittedly, it doesn’t quite evoke the same dramatic fear as the ouija board does.

Elsewhere, Google has also released a Halloween Doodle game, where you can help Momo the cat (no, it’s not that Momo) cast away restless spirits.


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