The Freedom Fundraiser

A new print sale is raising money for Black Lives Matter
HERO Magazine
Art | 5 June 2020
Text Finn Blythe

© Alex Leese

Above image: © Alex Leese

A new print sale aimed at raising funds for the Black Lives Matter movement has been launched by The Earth Issue, a collective of creatives working at the intersection of art, activism and the environment since 2016. The Freedom Fundraiser was started in direct response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and has seen over 80 leading photographers from across the world contribute images that are now for sale.


Over the course of the next 30 days, photographs from the likes of Hazel Gaskin, Jack Davison, Ronan McKenzie, Mark Clennon, and Harley Weir will be available for £100, with all proceeds going directly to George Floyd Bail Funds and the 4Front Project, a UK-based youth organisation that empowers young people to fight for justice, peace and freedom. The Bails Funds platform, on the other hand, represents over 70 bail funds across America, between which any donation will be split equally. At the time of writing, over £30,000 has already been raised.

“Since the majority of The Earth Issue team is based in London, we wanted to include a British organisation doing social justice work for local POC,” said founder Elena Cremona and editor-in-chief Maela Ohana, in a joint statement on behalf of the organisation. “4Front works to empower young people directly harmed by racial violence and the criminal justice system. Their mandate to ‘centre healing and transformative justice while directly challenging the UK’s addiction to criminalisation, policing and prisons’ is crucial at a time when Black communities are disproportionately harmed by the criminal justice system.”

Buy and view all donated works here.

© Samuel Bradley

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