Take two

Fat White Family and Pregoblin are recreating The Shawshank Redemption
HERO Magazine
By Alex James Taylor | Film+TV | 1 April 2020

Isolation takes its toll on some than others, and coping mechanisms vary. Locked away, London bands Fat White Family and Pregoblin have taken the cinematic route, recreating the entirety of The Shawshank Redemption via the Fat White’s Instagram Story.

Casting Pregoblin’s Alex Selby as Andy Dufresne and Fat Whites’ Lias Saudi as Ellis Boyd ‘Red’ Redding (amongst many other characters), Frank Darabont’s prison epic is reimaged in a city flat, with talking cakes, homoerotic showers and a post-Corona poignancy that only adds to the original film’s harrowing narrative. Stay tuned to the new, updated Shawshank film here – we’re very excited to see how they recreate the shoveling-through-shit scene.


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