Top Ten

This year’s Woolmark finalists have been revealed
HERO Magazine
Fashion | 29 October 2019
Text Finn Blythe

The ten finalists competing for this year’s International Woolmark prize have been revealed, with the winner set to be announced in February 2020. This who’s who of young European design talent offers a typically diverse selection of labels from across the world, including Korea, Sweden, France and Germany.

With every year that the noise advocating urgent environmental action grows steadily stronger, so too does Woolmark’s mission to address environmental issues with sustainable business growth. This year is no different, with the selected finalists presenting six fully traceable Merino wool looks to a panel of industry experts. Included in the shortlist are: A-COLD-WALL* (UK), BLINDNESS (Korea), BODE (US), BOTTER, (Holland), Feng Chen Wang (UK/China), GmbH (Germany), Ludovic de Saint Sernin (France), Mattew Adams Dolan (US), Namacheko (Sweden), Richard Malone (Ireland/UK).

Each submitted collection will be available for purchase as of September 2020 while the winner will receive just over £100,000 while another will win jut over £50,000 for demonstrating outstanding innovation in product or manufacturing.

““We see traceability and supply chain integrity as a way to empower brands and customers to make better choices,” explains Stuart McCullough, managing director of Woolmark. “By ensuring these emerging designers are equipped with the knowledge, support and access to the most advanced supply chain partners, the International Woolmark Prize continues to push the agenda for best practice.”

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