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The Collective Scream of Young Hollywood: an insider’s guide to crapping your pants – Lorenza Izzo selects The Shining
HERO Magazine
Film+TV | 29 October 2018

Top image: Still, ‘The Shining’ (1980) dir. Stanley Kubrick

Above all else, Halloween is about digging out those ultimate frighteners and getting a bit jumpy. The hardest part of it all? Deciding which horror flicks to make up your hair-raising movie marathon. No fear, we’ve heard your howls and asked some of Hollywood’s most exciting young names for their horror film recommendations. Welcome to The Collective Scream of Young Hollywood: an insider’s guide to crapping your pants. Fill your boots. Or underwear.

With a filmography that reads like a Halloween- a-thon gore-fest (including two films by king of gore Eli Roth) you’d think it would be safe to assume that Lorenza Izzo is a major horror buff. But you’d be wrong, despite the fun she has making them. “I get scared so easily,” she confessed to us back in HEROINE 1, “I’m the biggest wimp. I’ll be walking my dog at 7pm in my super-safe neighbourhood and I’ll get thrown by like… a cat or something stupid, I’m just so bad with scares.”

Despite her jumpy disposition, Izzo has selected Stanley Kubrick’s menacing classic, The Shining, as her Halloween movie recommendation – citing Kubrick’s immaculate attention to detail (ever noticed that Jack’s typewriter gets darker as the character gradually descends into madness?). And talking of Hollywood greats, Izzo’s next role sees her tackle the sinister late 60s of Helter Skelter Tinsel Town in Tarantino’s highly-anticipated ninth film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Izzo talks us through her film choice below.

Lorenza Izzo selects The Shining (1980) dir. Stanley Kubrick:

“I’m not a huge scary movie fan but I absolutely love being in them. There’s a specific adrenaline rush when filming something so intense that comes with the process that’s addictive!

The Shining is a classic that I will never tire of watching. Each time I see it I find a new detail I hadn’t noticed and makes me question the entire mythology of the story. Kubrick’s films have that exactness in storytelling, yet shocking twists that create a slow burn at the edge of your seat – at least for me they do – and The Shining is a masterclass of that.”

Lorenza Izzo from HEROINE 1 / photography by Columbine Goldsmith / fashion by Sara Paulsen

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