Paddy & Liam

Capturing the childhood years of two Traveller boys
HERO Magazine
By Undine Markus | Art | 14 March 2018

Paddy & Liam by Perry Ogden

Top image: Paddy & Liam by Perry Ogden

“They grew up living in a caravan in my former partner’s garden,” photographer Perry Ogden tells us, recounting how he met two Irish Traveller boys, Paddy and Liam. “Their parents were looking to get housed by the local council but it took many years.”

“Struck by their energy and their looks,” Ogden documented the boys on a series of occasions between 2012 and 2017. Working with stylist Tara St Hill, these images have now been transformed into a 128-page tome, following the pair as they explore the Irish landscape.

Paddy & Liam by Perry Ogden

“I thought these images would make a very interesting book documenting that period of time from age ten to sixteen, which is such a transformative period in your life, a time when you are making discoveries and developing passions,” says Ogden. “I also wanted to reflect on the Ireland they were born into and the Ireland in which they are becoming adults.”

Paddy & Liam launches at Dover Street Market London on 15th March with a book signing. Get your copy at Dover Street Market, Ground Floor, 6 pm – 7 pm. Otherwise, it will be available online and in DSM stores worldwide on 16th March.

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