Fear of a Black Planet

Supreme and Undercover collaborate with Public Enemy
HERO Magazine
By Undine Markus | Fashion | 12 March 2018

For Spring 2018, Supreme has teamed up with two powerhouses, the Japanese punk-fused fashion streetwear imprint, Undercover, and the 80s US hip hop group Public Enemy.

The later, consisting of Chuck D, Flavor Flav, Professor Griff, Khari Wynn, DJ Lord, and The S1W, was formed in Long Island, NY, as a response to the underrepresentation of African Americans in the US media. With an interest in the frustrations and concerns of their community and beyond, the crew produced platinum records that carry an equal amount of weight and relevance today.


For the collection with Supreme and Jun Takahashi’s Undercover, the collective has focused their attention on their third studio album,  Fear of a Black Planet, released in 1990. In an Instagram video for Supreme, Chuck D describes the ethos behind Fear of a Black Planet as “laughing at the fallacy of race as an endorsed game so people can benefit the expense of others based on their appearance and fear is not accepting the truth about it.”

The collection, consisting of tracksuits, jackets and shoes features the original album artwork in monogram print and abstract layouts. See it for yourself above.

As one might expect, Public Enemy is not just doing it for the clout and cash that come with a collaboration with Supreme. A portion of the proceeds from the collection will be donated to the American Civil Liberties Union.


The collection will be available in Supreme stores in New York City, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, London, Paris and online on 15th March. 

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