Orgasmic Man

Helmut Lang tap legendary 60s photographer Peter Hujar for its new artist series
HERO Magazine
By Undine Markus | Fashion | 29 January 2018

Top image: Peter Hujar, Artist Series, Helmut Lang 2018

Moving on from taxis and crying models, a few days ago, Helmut Lang launched the fourth instalment of its acclaimed Artist Series, a project that has previously brought on board artists such as Walter Pfeiffer, Carrie Mae Weems and Leigh Ledare. This new chapter features a collaboration with the late photographer Peter Hujar, an American artist who played a central role in the cultural community of 1960’s New York, taking portraits of Susan Sontag and the usual suspects from Warhol’s Factory to name a few.

The particular series features black and white portraits from 1969 – the 1969 series Orgasmic Man I, II, and III – an intimate exploration of beauty in an extreme close-up. Take a look at the collection that seeks to reimagine cult artworks via posters, shirts and blankets.


The collection is available for purchase at the HELMUT LANG site.

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