Into the Inferno

Hear Werner Herzog’s views on the internet and the future of technology
HERO Magazine
By Joey Levenson | Film+TV | 13 October 2016

Top Image: Still, Into The Inferno (2016), dir. Werner Herzog

Prolific German director has just debuted his new documentary film Into the Inferno at the Telluride Film Festival in Colorado, USA, and it’s been met with rave reviews across the board. This marks Herzog’s 44th feature film (and 59th overall), which just goes to show that his career shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.

For those unfamiliar with Herzog, the director is known to be one of the founding fathers of the New German Cinema movement, and his esteem is almost unparalleled in European cinema. So much so in fact, that notorious film critic Roger Ebert once said that “even his failures are spectacular”. His films have been a huge hit in the art-house scene, and are consistently examined in critical film theory, often being the subject to many film studies across worldwide universities. Now, Herzog has become synonymous with a dark and gloomy aesthetic, which often works in conjunction with his tendency to bend the rules of genre. As wikipedia so aptly puts: “Herzog’s films often feature heroes with impossible dreams, people with unique talents in obscure fields, or individuals who are in conflict with nature.”

The prolific director he is, Into the Inferno is Herzog’s second documentary release this year, following the brilliant Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World, an exploration of the Internet and the connected world. Tonight, he will be at London Film Festival speaking with Richard Ayoade about this project, the internet, cyber security and the future of technology. In the world of film, it doesn’t get much bigger than this.

Werner Herzog Q+A will take place on 13th October at London Film Festival and will be broadcast live at cinemas across Britain. See full listings and ticket information here.


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