Gin Satoh on show

The photographer tracing the depths of Tokyo’s underground music scene
HERO Magazine
By Fiona Hope McDowall | Art | 30 June 2016

Gin Satoh, photographer of Japan’s underground punk paradise in 1978-86, hits London with his first UK (and 2-part) exhibition at London’s Cafe Oto and Doomed gallery from 30th June. According to David Novak, “His images tease something out of the burning inner core of 1980s Japan”.

Having committed hours on end to capturing the musicians and frequenters of the underground scene, Sotah has a vast collection of imagery. In 1987, he put out a photographic book called GIG: Tokyo Rockers 1978-1986, which features many of the pieces in the upcoming exhibition. His work has also been presented in Takarajima, a youth culture zine of the ‘80s.


Disregarded by the music industry, these Tokyo night crawlers resembled everything mainstream was not: avant-garde, punk, indie rock, and alternative. They played in underground music houses like Minor, paralleling the London punk scene, that was largely captured by photographer Derek Ridgers.

Characters snapped include Yamantaka Eye, the curator of many musical projects, of which Sotah captured Hanatarash, a controversial and notoriously violent band. Other photographic subjects are Phew, Friction, Tori Kudo, Keiji Haino and visitors to Japan such as Iggy Pop.

Gin Satoh: 1985 Tokyo Underground Revisited will be on show simultaneously at Cafe Oto (until 27 July) and at the Doomed Gallery (until 3 July).

Follow Fiona Hope McDowall on Twitter @fionahope_


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