Major tome

J.W. Anderson teams up with publisher Luis Venegas for a hefty new retrospective book
HERO Magazine
By Alex James Taylor | Fashion | 27 January 2016

Top image: Claudio Ciocirlan @ Uno Models. Photography Luis Venegas, taken from ‘The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly In The Plain’, courtesy of J.W. Anderson

Clear your coffee tables, J.W. Anderson has teamed up with acclaimed publisher Luis Venegas for a new book entitled The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly In The Plain, presenting a retrospective look at his collections.

“I was given total creative freedom to work on the project, so I decided to try something new, not just my usual work as an editor,” says Venegas (the man behind publications including Fanzine137, EY! Magateen and CANDY). “Luis is a modern publisher. I wanted to give him the free rein to create something special with us,” Anderson replies.

The book release ties in with last week’s opening of J.W. Anderson Workshops, a Shoreditch concept store inspired by Bloomsbury Group’s Omega Workshops that will act as a creative platform for upcoming events and installations.


The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly In The Plain will be unveiled at J.W.Anderson Workshops (100 Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6JQ) with a book signing by Luis Venegas on Thursday 28th January from 6-8pm. Available to pre-order here.


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