Sweet smells

You can now smother yourself in A.P.C.
HERO Magazine
By Alex James Taylor | Fashion | 31 January 2024

Love A.P.C. so much you want to bathe in it?? Well now you can – the French brand have unveiled its first bodycare line featuring six products.

At the heart of the collection is an orange blossom scent, which has featured as part of A.P.C.’s candle n°4 since 1997, and is also one of the key ingredients in the family recipes of founder Jean Touitou’s mother, Odette. Celebrating the stress-relieving properties produced from the bitter orange flower – neroli – utilized by 18th-century apothecaries, its fresh, natural tones are distilled as a hand lotion, a body lotion, a lip balm, a cologne, a body soap and a hand soap.

“In fashion as in the cosmetics industry, the balance between too much and not enough is difficult to find. It’s a real
job. These six products are the best possible. They are designed to make you feel good and comfortable and help you to
have a good day,” says Touitou.

On each product label, a quote from Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra, is printed: “I am a body through and through, nothing more: and the soul is just a word for something in the body.”


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