sandy scenes

MSGM hits the beach with their latest campaign
HERO Magazine
Fashion | 29 January 2020

For SS20, Massimo Giorgetti and MSGM are returning to their spiritual home: the beach. Amid lapping waves, loungers and lilos, the crayon shades of this collection come to life through scenes that echo the designer’s halcyon days in the seaside town of his birth, Rimini.


Shot by British photographer Johnny Dufort, the campaign pays homage to what Giorgetti described as, “a beautiful place in front of the beach with relaxed people, happy people”, in his interview for HEROINE 9. In the same conversation Giorgetti dropped a hint of his future Italianismo vision for the brand that we are now seeing. “I’m working hard to give a new Italian message, a new Italian vision because I’m a little bit bored of the Florence, Capri and Roma – that’s Italy and blah, blah, blah. I want to do a strong message for strong Italians.”


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