
Graffiti artist Mr Doodle transforms Fendi’s HQ into one giant artwork
HERO Magazine
Fashion | 8 August 2019

25-year-old London artist Sam Cox is known for his bold, illustrative doodles, covering everything from walls to furniture, vehicles and buildings. Now, Cox gets his hands on the rooftop of Fendi’s Palazzo Della Civiltà Italiana HQ, where he puts into action

As part of Fendi’s F is For… initiative – the luxury fashion house’s youthful digital platform – Cox, aka Mr. Doodle, spent two days drawing in a continuous creative stream. Describing his practice as OCD – obsessive compulsive drawing – the artist transforms the Fendi HQ into one giant artwork, doodling his own version of hieroglyphics across the rooftop, including the words ‘Fendi’, ‘Roma’ and the house’s double F logo.

Click below to see a video of Cox in action. Take special note of that tailor-made doodle jumpsuit. Mega.

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