Nature entwined

The new London Alexander McQueen store includes a special archive floor
HERO Magazine
By Georgina Gambetta | Fashion | 10 January 2019

Alexander McQueen, has opened its new flagship store on Old Bond Street, a winding and intricate blend of 60s futurism and elements of nature.

Situated across three stories, the ground floor will house the womenswear with menswear one floor above. However, it is on the second floor where the soul of the new space lies: the McQueen archive. Here, famous collections, photographs and artworks will be housed, while the space also serves as a venue to host talks and exhibitions to inspire a new generation of students and engender a creative community.

Working in collaboration with Chilean architect Smiljan Radic (who designed the 2014 Serpentine Pavilion), Sarah Burton has fused an entirely new concept for the brand. Her fascination with the rawness of nature (Burton regularly takes her team to the West Country, Shetlands and Cornwall to scout out prehistoric stones and ancient crafts) provides the fundamental elements of the new store.

Elsewhere, Chilean artist Marcela Correa has created branch-like alabaster, bronze, granite and wood sculptures that entwine through light-wells and across ceilings – giving the store the appearance of a living entity – and experimentation with new materials has resulted in a new cladding: cotton-crete, a cotton-based papier mache specifically designed for the space. Adding to the diversity of textures, each season will see different fabrics appear in the store, from the dressing rooms to the façade, to reflect current collections.

The new Alexander McQueen store is located at 27 Old Bond Street.

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