Stop war

Vivienne Westwood urges Theresa May to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia
HERO Magazine
By Cal Morris | Fashion | 14 December 2017

WarChild UK and iconic British designer Vivienne Westwood have joined forces and designed a t-shirt highlighting the horrific war crimes happening in Yemen on behalf of the Saudi government.

The charity has since launched a #StopArmingSaudi campaign to urge the UK Government to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia while the conflict in Yemen continues and promote an implementation of humanitarian law rather than aid warfare. Since the conflict escalated in 2015, more than 5,000 civilians have been killed and many face daily challenges to access food, education and basic healthcare

Westwood has since spoken out about this, stating “Stop war, support War Child UK. 130 children are dying in Yemen every day. There are other ways to run an economy than profit from death.”

The Tshirt contains influences of Westwood’s iconic design language, featuring a skull motif, overlaid with disparate phrases in rough font highlighting the atrocities of war.

The Tshirt is available on from the 14th December and costs £20, with proceeds going to help fund thousands of the worlds most vulnerable children.

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