New recruits

Matthew Miller casts fresh faced British Army Cadets to star in latest campaign for SS15
HERO Magazine
By Alex James Taylor | Fashion | 5 February 2015

Acutely politically aware, Miller’s collections subtly translate narrative to clothing. For his SS15 collection ‘Introversion’ Miller took inspiration from the life of post-conflict soldiers, reacclimatising to life away from conflict and away from the uniformity of the military. Re-imagined demob outfits first produced during World War II translated a utilitarian sense of conformity and disillusion. Tailored pieces looked towards the three-piece suits given to servicemen after completing tours as a way of equipping veterans to return to work. Velcro patches reading ‘anti’, ‘war’, ‘social’, and ‘you’ expressed Miller’s poignant inner thoughts.

Cast from the British Army Cadets Miller’s SS15 campaign continues to explore the military themes within the collection itself, yet from the opposite point in a soldier’s career. Five portraits of fresh faced, newly recruited soldiers, from different backgrounds and ethnicities, with the aim to show the diversity of soldiers and challenge stereotypes of what it means to be ‘British’.

“Youths from ethnical minorities are under attack, and are seen by some as an enemy of the state. This series sets out to challenge the white washed notion of what it means to be Young and British” said Miller.

Matthew Miller SS15 is now available from the recently launched online store, here

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