Grab one of the first copies of Gosha’s new zine – and a bunch of other stuff

Gosha Rubchinskiy at the ICA
HERO Magazine
Fashion | 27 August 2014

Gosha Rubchinskiy is in town at the moment and lined up to speak at the ICA on Friday afternoon. The Russian designer, photographer and artist will in discussion with Marfa Journal founder Alexandra Gordienko about his work and the dynamism of creativity and culture.

It’s a big year for Rubchinskiy, only a couple of months back debuting at Paris fashion week for SS15. It’s the next stage in a journey that continues to see the designer explore what it means to be part of the next generation of post-Soviet youth: since launching his menswear label ГОША РУБЧИНСКИЙ in 2008, he’s buffered his designs with the use of landscapes (his second collection was shown in a disused Orthodox church-turned-gym in Moscow’s suburbs) and various platforms (from zines to books, photography and videos) to communicate his vision.

Friday’s talk aligns with the launch of Gosha’s new fanzine in collaboration with Angela Hill of IDEA Books. Featuring new work ‘Crimea/Kids’ as well as a curated selection of older works, the zines will be hand numbered. Fair, considering there are only 300 being published. 

Now, while the official line goes that the talk itself is sold out, word has it that there may be a chance for spare tickets on the door. And even if you fail to grab one it will still be worth your while: get yourself one of the first copies of the new zine for a mere tenner.

There will also be three limited edition prints up for grabs, plus Gosha’s ‘Transfiguration’ book and signed copies of the 2010 zine, ‘Aglec’. And then? Head straight to the ICA bar and inspect your purchase over a drink. Obviously.

Culture Now: Gosha Rubchinskiy, Friday 29th August at 1pm at ICA,  The Mall, London SW1Y 5AH

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